DTC, Marketplace or Hybrid: How to Choose the Right Path Toward Omnichannel Growth

Two of the biggest retail industry growth trends of recent years have been the multiplication of direct-to-consumer (DTC) brands and the dramatic expansion of online marketplaces.

With both types of retailing on the rise, sellers seeking to expand their online and omnichannel sales face a choice. Do they use the brand-building power of DTC to cultivate and personalize their customer interactions? Or would it be better to leverage the reach of marketplaces to get their products in front of a larger audience of consumers? Perhaps it’s some kind of combination of both.

Whatever growth path sellers take — DTC, marketplace, or an omnichannel hybrid — they will need to offer a consistent customer experience through all channels.

This E-book will provide decision-makers with a guide to choosing the right retail path(s) by answering four key questions:

  1. How ‘hungry’ are you for data?
  2. What types of products do you offer?
  3. How broad is your product assortment?
  4. Are your logistics and fulfillment operations scalable?

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