Always Be Closing: An Essential Guide to Sales Featuring Best Practices & Thought Leaders

A…B…C… When we think of the abc’s, perhaps even more so than the popular sales mantra “always be closing,” we think of getting back to the basics. The alphabet is a foundational lesson we learn early on and internalize to the point where we hardly even notice it as we move through our days, no matter how ubiquitous it is on our lives.

In naming our latest ebook, we wanted to convey this deeper message beyond “always be closing.” From the chalkboard illustration on the title page to our subtitle “the ABC’s of Sales in the Modern Era,” this ebook is all about finding our way back to the heart of sales with technology that is helpful without getting in the way.

The sad truth we face with the complexity and pressure in today’s market is a salesperson can only spend about 22% of their time actually selling. Even if a salesperson closes 100% of their deals, they’re only able to do this with less than a quarter of their time. This is a problem.

So how do we solve it? We need technology that doesn’t waste a salesperson’s time —that actually helps salespeople do their jobs better, improving their productivity while enabling them to meet today’s customer expectations and the dramatically different buying process.

In this ebook, we tackle the issues facing sales today head on, incorporating changes and developments in the market that your teams need to understand. I’m incredibly excited not only to introduce this brand new ebook, but also the next generation of sales productivity from Microsoft. In the interest of maximizing all of our productivity—let’s get to it!

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