The Definitive Guide to Social Marketing

In the past, marketers often used social media as just another channel for publishing content and listening to their community. However, to maximize the success of social marketing, today's marketers need to become adept at integrating social into their existing marketing programs and strategies.

You have to do more than social media. You have to do social marketing.

Our brand new Definitive Guide to Social Marketing shows you how to add social to every marketing activity to amplify impact and drive buyer engagement, new business, and revenue. Download our guide and learn how to:

  • Staff your social media team and get your entire organization on board
  • Turn your customers into powerful brand advocates by engaging in peer-to-peer sharing and influencer marketing
  • Leverage social media channels such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+, and Pinterest into powerful lead generation channels
  • Incorporate social marketing into every stage of your sales funnel
  • Effectively measure social marketing to determine real business ROI

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