Creativity That Converts: How Marketers Can Build a Flawless Creative Process That Meets Their KPIs

Building a process that delivers good work under tight deadlines doesn’t have to be a painful ordeal for creative teams.


Anxiety-inducing 6:00 p.m. emails from external stakeholders shouldn’t have to be a part of the creative process for marketing teams. Neither should chaotic review cycles, feedback on out-of-date files, or a lack of clarity around project timelines. Creatives are at their best when cat-herding and fire drills aren’t ingrained in their day-to-day processes. In other words: creatives are at their best when they’re allowed to focus on creating.

Our creative process for YouTube exemplifies this idea. By using the Work OS, feedback is collected in one place and the review cycle is simplified and shortened. Workflows are scaled for maximum efficiency, and creatives can see, in real time, where their projects stand.

Digital assets are kept in one place, and so too is our data, so we can tell how our creative is performing and can experiment for the future.

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