Remembering the human side of digital

Why soft skills matter in digital transformation. 


Virtually every business has invested in technology to drive growth. But many fall short on digital transformation goals. Why? Deploying technology alone is simply not enough. There's got to be someone in the driver seat–your people. To get them there you need the right combination of digital and soft skills. Think problem-solving, creative thinking and adaptability. Upskilling allows your organization to benefit from both sides of the digital transformation coin–people and bots–so you can scale and thrive.

Read Remembering the human side of digital transformation to learn: 


  • What the next wave of AI and automation means for the workforce
  • Why soft skills are more important than ever
  • The big payoffs of incorporating soft skills into digital upskilling programs
  • Why upskilling is a critical component of the next frontier or digital transformation

Soft skills matter. Create long-term value in your digital transformation by folding them into your digital upskilling program. 

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