Stadium of the Future: Transforming the Retail Space

The arena is no longer just about the experience of watching a sporting match or listening to your favorite band in concert. It now encompasses the entire experience from when a guest pulls-up to the parking lot, to food vendors and restroom stops, to buying souvenirs on the way out. Arenas are constantly looking for new ways to make these pain points frictionless and enjoyable, and, ultimately, increasing the likelihood that they will make a transaction.

To enhance the overall guest experience, stadiums and arenas are implementing innovative solutions, from apps to assist customers in finding parking, to interactive maps to guide guests, to heat sensors that identify shortest wait times at concession stands.

These upgrades require 5G to support and secure IoT devices and new technologies such as AR/VR, while maintaining high levels of security. In this whitepaper read about the ways that stadiums and arenas are implementing innovative solutions to improve the guest experience.

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