A fundamental shift is happening through secure digital transformation, involving application transformation (data center to SaaS, IaaS, PaaS), network transformation (hub-and-spoke to direct connectivity), and security transformation (castle-and-moat to zero trust). Security Service Edge (SSE) is a converged solution to these challenges, delivering network security services from a unified cloud platform. SSE enables organizations to securely connect their users to distributed data, applications, and services, whether those users are on-premises, remote, or mobile.
As enterprises move toward secure digital transformation and work-from-anywhere initiatives, they must be aware that traditional monitoring tools are insufficient for determining the source of any issues that may arise. Gaining visibility into devices, networks, and applications that don't reside within the data center is difficult, as they are out of the IT team's control. Achieving the ideal balance between restricting the attack surface and monitoring visibility is an ongoing challenge.
Read this eBook to understand:
- Three scenarios commonly encountered by end users that pose difficulties for network operations teams
- Where network monitoring tools fail based on end user connectivity
- The effect of using outdated, siloed monitoring tools on overall network visibility